I just got back from KSH yesterday. Went for my first physical therapy (fisioterapi) at the hospital. After a month of not having any movement at my ankle, it moved finally...painfully...arghhhhhhhhh. The medical assistants at the center were so helpful and convincing. They adviced me not to be afraid of doing the exercises as the ankle and my left leg need to be moved eventually. I also must continue doing the exercise at home too...it is the key for a better recovery and to avoid any limp when I move. Actually I had also browsed through the internet to find out other self-assisted treatment that further can enhance my recovery...found a few. And coincidentally I found two photos of x-ray of an ankle fracture that are 95% almost identical with the one that I am having right now. Hope Miss Peesha is happy to see this...(see above photos..they are not mine, but they look almost exactly like mine...). The location of the fractures, the plating and the screws are almost identical... The fibula bone is the one that gets the five screws and a plate implanted and the bimalleolar bone gets one screw fixed.