Wednesday, January 28, 2009


"ptg ni wat apa?"
"nak g jln2"
"sorg jer?"
"x tau lagi...may b wit gfren yg lain:)"
Dialog apa la pulak ni?? I am interested with an article in the newspaper today (Utusan Malaysia, 28 Jan 2009) that documented regarding the "Fenomena 'bahasa teknologi malas'! Since this is a very interesting bahasa topic to write about, allow me to write in full bahasa.
Seorang pakar bahasa menggelarkan "bahasa ringkas" di dalam penggunaan SMS, sembang siber dan blog sebagai "bahasa teknologi malas"! Penggunaan bahasa ringkas ini menimbulkan fenomena negatif kepada generasi muda kita. Di Malaysia terutamanya, usaha memartabatkan Bahasa Kebangsaan bakal melalui episod getir bila mana golongan remaja yang dipukul arus teknologi kini sudah selesa dengan penggunaan "bahasa malas" ini...selain penulis juga menyentuh berkenaan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris yang malas juga menambahburuk situasi!
Bukan bahasa Melayu sahaja menerima tempiasnya, di Amerika Syarikat suatu ketika dulu menurut Prof Datuk Dr Nik Safiah Karim, mengalami situasi sama di mana penulisan di dalam bahasa Inggeris juga tercalar dengan "bahasa malas" ini sehingga terbawa-bawa di dalam penulisan esei dan pelajaran lain...
Secara peribadi, saya juga setuju dengan isu ini di mana kekadang tu sampai saya sendiri tak faham bila para pelajar saya sendiri menghantar mesej melalui sms!!! Entah apa-apa "short-form" yang mereka tulis...jadi satu kerja la pulak saya menanyakan apa yang ditaipnya dalam sms tu... InsyaAllah Puan Norma mereka ni sanggup menulis dengan perkataan penuh sebab tak tahu samada "short-form" yang akan ditaip tu betul atau tidak...sampai naik 'penyek' hujung jari ni menekan sms berjela-jela panjangnya...alahai...
Satu sudut pula, nak buat macam mana, itu adalah 'budaya' yang sedia terhidang sekarang ini. Semuanya nak cepat dan ringkas...asal faham sudah...implikasinya pula kesian kat tatabahasa, frasa, ejaan dan sewaktu dengannya.
Tidakkah anda merasa rugi dan menyesal belajar Bahasa Malaysia (dulu), sekarang Bahasa Melayu berbelas tahun lamanya di sekolah tetapi apabila berada di zaman sibernatic ni...kelas karangan anda, buku tulis tatabahasa anda dan guru kefahaman anda semasa itu hancur begitu sahaja.. Malahan golongan elit-cerdik-pandai-bergaya-kaya-raya-mewah-melata ni juga antara golongan yang paling hebat menggunakan "bahasa malas" ini. Inikan pula anak-anak remaja di sekolah rendah dan menengah tatkala ini.
Saya?? Walaupun selesa juga menulis di dalam bahasa Inggeris (walau tak sehebat manapun) yang nampak lebih mudah dan 'happening' ni, InsyaAllah bahasa Melayu masih berbekam di jiwa. Cuma, apabila membaca isu hari ini...terdetik pula..."InsyaAllah saya berazam akan menulis dan menggunakan bahasa Melayu saya nanti dengan penuh dan sempurna...kiranya menambah senarai azam tahun 2009 jugalah ni." Kesian pada pejuang bangsa dan bahasa ini, kesian kat cikgu-cikgu bahasa melayu, kesian kat buku-buku teks sekolah percuma ni jika penghujungya, "bahasa malas" juga yang dipraktikkannya.
Saya ingat lagi cikgu bahasa Malaysia zaman sekolah dulu, Puan Fuziah, Puan Khatijah, Puan Safiah (cikgu bahasa sekolah rendah).

Agak tersangkut juga entry saya ni. Almaklumlah...idea tu kejap ada kejap tak ada. Furthermore, life is just as usual...except that again the weekends we spent one night at Mie's house at Paka. Kali ni lagi meriah sebab abang ipar sefamily dan kakak ipar dr Pasir Gudang pun balik...of course the CNY holidays kan!
InsyaAllah today, Wednesday 28th of Jan, my dearie hubby will start his journey to perform his 'umrah' at Mekah. After almost 3 months at Jubail, Saudi Arabia, he managed to spend his weekend this time to visit Mekah. This is going to be his first visit at the age of 33 years old. I told him last week..."ingatnya dapat la ke Mekah tu bersama-sama...tapi dah rezeki abang dulu ke Mekah tu...sedih gak lar sikit...tapi bersyukur sebab abang dapat tunaikan dulu umrah & ziarah di rumah Allah tu." I did remind him to pray for us..the whole family...wish for all prosperity, health, barakah etc... especially wish for the kids ... of course he'll do that... So far our arrangement to Jubail been through a few processess already. And my passport and the kids are at the Firestar Agent already. Thank you Puan Kamariah (the agent) for her attention...she has been very helpful with information about the Visa preparation and now we are just waiting for the Yellow Slip from hubby. InsyaAllah by early February the document can be collected for Puan Kamariah to further our Visas at the final stage.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


When the most recent Gaza tragedy starts last December initiated downheartedly by the Israel aka Jews(Yahudi), most Muslim worlds including Malaysia have started the 'boycott' acts on numbers of products believed to be associated to the Jews...wallahualam

I was blog hopping as usual and found below statement which I found rather important for us in Malaysia specifically...with regards to the KFC. You know...the children find themselves drooling whenever KFC is mentioned. We've never had KFC since last year!...

I truly hope that this statement was not a sly trick made by irresponsible person(s) because it does make sense.

Thank you to Makkal Sakhti Jr. for putting up this news...

salam semua...

tujuan email ni adalah untuk memberi penjelasan mengenai boikot KFC.

banyak orang dah tanya pada saya mengenai KFC.dan ada juga yang sms kata

"baik ko berenti keja ngan KFC.ko dok bunuh orang palestin"... .dah

banyak sms yang saya dapat...daripada kawan2 sekolah, universiti dan

segenap lapisan masyarakat.

untuk pengetuahuan semua, KFC Holdings (M) Bhd adalah milik Kulim (M)


Kulim ini pula adalah anak syarikat Johor Corporation. siapa yang tidak

tahu sila cari mengenai johor corporation. oleh itu, KFC Holdings (M)

Bhd adalah milik malaysia. tiada sebarang keuntungan yang diberikan

kepada US mahupun Israel. KFC hanya menggunakan nama. KFC malaysia hanya

membayar yuran penggunaan nama sahaja.

akan tetapi, setelah KFC menjadi anak syarikat Johor Corporation,

pengerusinya sedang berusaha untuk membeli KFC di US. ini adalah usaha

yang sangat murni. Tan Sri Ali Hashim adalah pengerusinya yang memang

mempunyai idea bisnes yang bernas. selain itu juga, dibawah KFC Holdings

(M) Bhd terdapat anak syarikat iaitu :

Pizza Hut

Kedai Ayamas

RasaMas Restaurant

Ayamas Food Corporation Sdn Bhd

Region Food Industries (Sos life)

bakery ( untuk garlic bread & roti2 di KFC)

tenaga kerja untuk semua syarikat ini adalah majoriti melayu islam.oleh

itu, bayangkan lah jika masyarakat memboikot KFC apa akan terjadi kepada

orang islam malaysia?oleh itu fikir2 kan lah apa yang saya katakan ini.

diharap dapat memberi penjelasan kepada sahabat2 dan sesiapa

sahaja.sama- sama kita membangunkan ekonomi orang islam.inilah dinamakan

Jihad Bisnes.


Muhamad Ammar Abdullah

Halal Audit Executive

KFC Holdings (M) Bhd

03-20263388 ext 282


Friday, January 23, 2009


handsome haikal...dah besar dah anak ummi pe'el ni!
world peace!
"hello, nadhrah ada?"
kereta baru luthfil hasif....
senyum sampai ke telinga dapat remote car!
aktiviti biasa petang-petang
kerumun apala tu?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The swearing-in of Obama, the son of an African immigrant, to the highest office in the land was a glorious affirmation in itself that the nation has not exhausted its ability to renew its promise.

These are a few of what he said in his inauguration speech:

"Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America."

"To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect,"

And I like this one...

"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age."

"know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more."

"This is the price and the promise of citizenship."

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I am still alive and Alhamdulillah, syukur.
I have been very busy these few days...busier than before...yet things are all the same though...
Went to Mie's (my mother in law) house and spent a night there with the kiddos during the weekend... The children enjoyed themselves very much especially when the cousins were around.
My Facebook is also full of updates that need to be attended....and I am trying to take things one at a time.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Step 1...

Step 2...

as an appreciation...dapatlah egg-puppet ni...happynyer...
I was ironing the bed sheet (yes...I iron my bed sheet!) at our laundry room when Nadhrah approached me and asked for anything that she could help. She is just 5 last October but she likes to help me do around the house. What a lucky ummi to have her...of course once in a while she'd go bizzerk too and I'd lose my temper...but Alhamdulillah tahap sabar saya ni masih boleh diterima lagi. She would sweep the floor, tidy up the TV area after Luthfil messed it up, she would help me wash the dishes, cleaned the doors and windows...and many more. I always feel that she would one day becomes like her ummi...yang sangat rajin buat kerja rumah...yehh puji diri sendiri ni! She did not pretentiously asked me you know...she really wanted to help. "Okay...nadhrah tolong terbalikkan semua pakaian dan masukkan dalam mesin basuh tu" I requested. "Okay...Rah buat ye ummi," she responded. So she did. While doing our tasks...we sembang-sembang mother-daughter...macam biasa sebab ummi dia memang banyak cerita....and as usual she was so excited that she helped me that evening. Another thing that I like about her (definitely I love all of them!) she could 'read' my instincts most of the times... Once, I was in the kitchen washing dishes...I brought along my mobile phone and put it on the dining table. She was also in the kitchen playing her stuffs...masak-masak...cakap sorang-sorang..panjat sana panjat sini... When I've finished, I dried my hands and left the kitchen heading to my room...suddenly realizing that I left my phone on the table...I turned back and she was there right at the back of me with the phone on her hand and was handing it over to me, she said.."Rah tau...mesti ummi nak ambik telefon ni kan??"...blink...blink...blink... budak ni ada magic senses la...


Alhamdulillah...earlier today (Friday) and the kids spent almost two-hour out from the house...I guess I need to more often hold this kind of event for the kids... You know...when the father is not around...means less activities for the kids because I am managing three of them myself...alone! But I truly believe...hei...what's wrong if abah is not around kan? We can still have fun! That was why I was so excited to take them out this morning.
The weather was just fine though so cloudy. Since I promised them a picnic while waking them up this I had to fulfill my promise.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Pagi tadi sempat menonton Malaysia Hari Ini di TV3. Menarik pada satu slot di mana MHI menjemput Ustaz Mohd Zawawi yang biasa keluar di TV tu...untuk memberi perspektif Islam dalam menguar-uarkan kepada umat Islam bagaimana cara kita sebagai sesama umat boleh atau mampu membantu penduduk Islam Palestine yang bersabung nyawa untuk terus hidup di tanahair sendiri. Suasana di GAZA tidak ubah seperti bumi bermandi darah sejak 27 Disember 2008 yang lalu... Serangan yang hebat si Zionis sudah melumpuhkan hampir 700 warga Palestine...mahupun pejuang Hamas! Terkini kelmarin 7 Januari melihatkan hampir 50 orang kanak-kanak dan remaja terkorban sekaligus!!!
Fenda si pengacara MHI menyatakan bahawa kalangan warga Malaysia hanya mampu membaca di suratkhabar atau menonton di televisyen dan paling tidak mendoakan keamanan dan keselamatan secepat mungkin di Gaza...
Si Ustaz memberi komen antaranya:
  • tidak sejahtera seseorang umat Islam itu walaupun ke tanah Mekah mengerjakan haji mahupun umrah berkali-kali tetapi tidak mampu untuk mempertahankan kezaliman terhadap orang Islam
  • seramai mana pun pengikut Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang berebut-rebut dan berbangga kerana dapat solat di Makam Raudhah di Mekah tetapi tidak mempedulikan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan umat Islam yang dizalimi...
  • Walaupun hanya mampu berdoa dan menyumbang secara material yakni wang, derma atau sumbangan...adakah itu sahaja yang kita mampu??
  • Maksud beliau ialah...seafdhalnya adalah melihatkan kepada kekuatan dan kehebatan umat Islam di Malaysia yang mungkin membolehkan anggota tentera kita untuk turut sama berjuang dan mempertahankan bumi Palestine dan umat Islam di Palestine itu...
  • Ustaz Zawawi juga akur berkemungkinan besar protokol atau prosedur Kerajaan Malaysia (sebuah negara Islam!) untuk tidak menghantar bala tenteranya ke sana dan ianya bakal menghasilkan pelbagai tanggapan atau respons yang memustahilkan usaha tersebut dilaksanakan...Kenapa tidak begitu?...tegasnya.
Maklum mengetahui Malaysia senantiasa prihatin dengan kesengsaraan yang dialami oleh pelbagai negara yang hampir majoriti melibatkan aspek kemanusiaan seperti di Somalia, Darfur, Bosnia, to name a few. Kita seringkali menghantar bantuan fizikal dari aspek kesihatan, MERCY dan persatuan doktor Malaysia contohnya, dan terkini di suratkhabar hari ini, PBSMM (Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia) juga merancang ke Gaza bagi meringankan beban yang ditanggung oleh rakyat Palestine (Utusan Malaysia, 8 Januari 2009)
Menurut Ustaz lagi...memang bantuan kesihatan ini amat murni dan juga dituntut di dalam Islam, yakni membantu yang termampu...tetapi abang-abang askar baju hijau kita juga tak kurang hebatnya....nak cuba hantar tak?? Pada saya secara peribadi...boleh aje...tu baru betul berjuang namanya!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We've been reading in the newspapers about the oil prices, fuel prices diesel and what not lately especially when the time the fuel dropped from RM2.70 till now it reaches RM1.80 per litre. So what is about it?? And today in the newspaper entitled:

"Harga minyak kekal sehingga hujung Januari" me I am not an economic or even the political type of person even I do teach what?? like 15% of economic issues during the lectures to the students...but that is merely academic-based. To me personally, the title above does not tick me at know why?? it is the Malaysia's tag line! The so-called 'authorized party ' has periodically promises tons of Malaysian-citizen-friendly remarks and statement every time a crisis occur... 'blame it on the rain'(blame on others!.)..some people said!
"Penurunan harga itu merupakan kali ketujuh dilaksanakan kerajaan sejak Ogos lalu sejajar dengan penurunan harga minyak mentah di pasaran." The article further reports the above. Malaysia should be doing this ever since Malaysia is established...have you ever notice this?? The WORLD is doing this ever since colonial I supposed! But when an immediate economic-crisis collide the Asia and Malaysia particularly...and of course when Malaysia has now have the 2/3rd of the opponents...the government becomes dumbfound! Now everything is like "okay...we do this as what others are doing out there!" "take a look at the world market price" bla...bla...bla... It wasn't like the last time. Everything was in disguise, with excuses and speculations. Only now you talk about the "world"??? Mawi dah lama "world"!
"Menurut beliau, kementeriannya mencadangkan supaya penanda aras itu ditetapkan pada kadar di antara RM1.80 dan RM1.90 seliter.
The above is rather interesting. A benchmark??!! Since when fuel prices gets benchmark? Can't anybody see the clearly misunderstood of world economic... I am not an expert but since fuel values fluctuates based on the world's demand, who are we to set a benchmark of our own??? Definitely it will be against what the government is supposed to believe at present...the world prices!! Kalau Amerika yang cakap...boleh la
We could on the other hand set a control measure or let the economic experts (unambigiously not me!) in the country to create a 'tool' that may warn us of any severeity that would affect us here in Malaysia...that's all. Work it all out on that matter. So do not promise uncertainty to us...period!

Monday, January 5, 2009


One of my new friend-bloggers recently put up a picture of a cup of black-kampung coffee on his entry (en_me)... the coffee looks so thick and tempting...slurrp! Kopi kampung dengan Ubi Ketuk niiiii emmmm enaknya!
So this afternoon I took a photo of our kuih for tea today..'UBI KETUK' or 'mashed-tapioca' (kut kalau bahasa Inggerisnya), kebetulan Kak Za depan rumah bagi ubi kayu mentah. Apa lagi...melecek ubi rebus la petang tadi..Nadhrah and Haikal love this kuih dan ini jela kuih ubi kayu yang ummi selalu buat. Luthfil a No! No! No!...tak makan.
Musim hujan ni di Pantai Timur akan banyaklah ubi kayu ni dituai...sebabnya di kampung-kampung yang kena banjir...mereka akan jadikan hasil pokok ubi kayu mereka ini sebagai pendapatan sampingan...kalau melalui sepanjang jalan Terengganu hingga ke Kota Bharu, during raining season, you would see ubi kayu and ubi keledek massively sold! So I was only thinking the only one dessert that is my favorite out of this ubi kayu is the ubi ketuk ni... lagipun this is the ubi dessert that I know how to make...yang lain bingka ke lepat ke...hampehhhh...boleh buat tapi mungkin tak jadi la...
A very simple-easy-made recipe...where you just need tapioca, sugar, coconut, and little bit of salt!

Pengetahuan Am mengenai Ubi Kayu:

Ubi kayu (nama botani: Manihot Esculenta Crantz) ialah tumbuhan tropika dan subtropika dari famili Euphorbiaceae yang terkenal sebagai sumber utama karbohidrat dan daunnya sebagai sayuran. Ubi kayu dikatakan berasal dari bahagian tropika Amerika tetapi kini taburannya hampir di semua kawasan tropika seluruh dunia.

Nama lain bagi ubi kayu adalah ubi benggala, ubi belanda, singkong dan cassava ... hehehee bukan casanova yea!

Satu Pesanan:

Kulit ubi kayu mempunyai asid hydrocyanic (asid hidroklorik dan potasium sianida atau sodium sianida (hydrocyanic). Oleh itu ubi kayu tidak boleh dimakan mentah, tetapi perlu dibuang kulit dan dimasak terlebih dahulu.

Kegunaan Terkini Ubi Kayu....
Apahal pulak la yang makan pinggan ni?? Takkan susah sampai pinggan pun nak kunyah
...hemmm nak tahu...ini adalah antara inovasi terkini Ubi Kayu...(Berita Harian 14/12/2008)
Hasil keluaran NATURES HARMONY INDUSTRIES SDN BHD berbeza dengan pinggan polistrin kerana pinggan ubi kayu lebih mesra alam dan boleh lupus dalam tempoh 28 hari

INFO: Pinggan ubi kayu

  • Pinggan ubi dihasilkan daripada 99 peratus tepung ubi kayu

  • Prosesnya bermula dengan diformulasikan selama 20 minit sebelum diuli dengan mesin uli berbentuk kawah kecil selama 30 minit.

  • Selepas menjadi doh, ia akan dipotong-potong kecil menggunakan mesin pemotong.

  • Setiap satu doh dimasukkan ke dalam acuan membentuk pinggan.

  • Setiap satu doh akan dibakar selama 45 saat pada tahap 220 hingga 240 darjah Celsius.

  • Pinggan yang dihasilkan akan dihantar ke mesin pengukur dan pemotong berbentuk saiz pinggan bagi memastikan setiap produk memiliki ukuran standard.

  • Pinggan ubi kayu boleh menahan kepanasan hingga 180 darjah Celsius atau selama empat jam sebelum mula mengembang.

  • Bagi makanan sejuk ia boleh bertahan selama sehari.

  • Jika tidak digunakan langsung, ia boleh bertahan selama dua tahun.

  • Bagi memastikan mutu dan kualiti pinggan yang dihasilkan, hanya ubi kayu jenis KU 55 saja digunakan. Ini kerana ubi kayu jenis ini memiliki kandungan serat yang tinggi.

  • Kesimpulannya... kalau guna pinggan ni...tak payah la makan nasi...masak lauk pauk aje dan hidang atas pinggan ubi kayu. Sebagai sumber karbohidrat...kunyah dan telan selalu (kata org Tganu)...dengan pinggan...cukup satu meal! Ada yang nak cuba??

    Saturday, January 3, 2009

    Dah lama betul Tun Mahathir tu dok senget je tengok...letih dah rasanya dia...
    So nak update with a new pic pulak...actually nothing much to share...just to shift the readers view from the Tun's stare like that!
    • Tomorrow afternoon, Luthfil Hasif will start his schooling again in Year 2.... Nadhrah will continue her 6-years old class at Tadika Warisan Pintar and Haikal...errk...stay at home as usual...
    • This afternoon, I sewed Luthfil's school badges on his new school shirts...last minute...since ummi keeps postponing a lot of things these few days.
    • Luckily the old school bags are cleaned and washed a week ago. I didn't buy any new school bag for the kids new school year. I already told them last time that they are going tu use it for just like 2 months InsyaAllah, before Abah comes back home and picks us all up to Saudi...they nodded and understood. And I don't see or hear from them bragging about new bags after that even masa kat KL ari tu the cousins talked about buying new school bags. I saw them just kept silence je...bagusnya anak ummi!
    • At times I realize that my children occasionally become 'mature' at thinking and understanding on number of matters at this very early age...provided that as a mother I would explain all my actions and decisions on those matters....tapi dah namanya bebudak kan...ada la jugak 'ketidakfahamannya' tu...on certain things la
    • I borrowed 5 Sophia Kinsella 'shopping' story books from a friend...tak sempat baca lagi...the first pun still halfway to go...InsyaAllah bila dah mula sekolah Luthfil dan Nadhrah...hopefully I have ample time to continue reading...and finish them all!
    • This afternoon jugak I went out to buy 6 new bulbs for the porch lights yang separuh dah went off...terbakar agaknya... and also bought 2 sets of kunci pintu bertombol tu... yang dekat pintu dapur dah tak boleh buka sebab rosak (tombol patah) if I want to go to the backyard kena ikut sliding door tepi family area..., satu lagi master bedroom punya pun dah agak 'sakit' juga...nak kena replace jugak...semua hal kena buat sendiri since Haswadi tak ada ni....nada suara pun dah macam nak marah aje...sebab rasa macam ishhhhh kena buat jugak ke??? Kalau dulu...Haswadi la plumber, carpenter, wireman, garbage-man, and also 'cicakman'...sebab panjat atas atap rumah untuk bersihkan gutter!...
    I guess that's all je la entry this time...basically matters yang biasa aje... the time now is 1.29 a.m. and it is raining heavily ... even can hear the wind blowing tau... siang tadi pusing Dungun lalu kat pantai...the wave was huge...angin tok sah cakap la...macam nak tumbang pokok kelapa tepi pantai tu.... sejukkkkk Dungun sekarang ni...

    Thursday, January 1, 2009


    I've just read on the open letter Tun Mahathir wrote to Obama-President-elect of the United States...
    We've been reading tons of mishaps created by America and the Americans that due to the misled presidencies they had in past previous years. We've been reading and viewing abundance of ruins the America and the Americans generated. We hated all lies beneath their powers contemplating their greediness. These are just my personal view...And the story goes on and on and on...
    So read on what Tun Mahathir has got to say to Obama about those man-made destructions America and Americans created....on or click on the link that I have here... (bottom right)
    Sharing is believing!

    2009 IS IN...WHAT IS FOR ME???

    Today is the 1st of January 2009! Everyone is in the new year mood..the Awal Muharram and this 2009 new year thing! So what is new year to me? Will it still be the same old years like the pasts? This year would definitely be more work load to take up, no more students knocking on the office door, no more preparing the PowerPoint presentations, no more attending meetings and meetings and meetings at the early semester, no more rearranging students' class schedules, no more rushing for god knows what is due?!
    It is all about myself, the kids, the hubby and the chores, kids, house chores and kids!
    Since today is the first day of 2009, I want to make sure that I write something to welcome the hope to be a wonderful year for me and my family. The year that eventually will bring us some changes in what we've been doing, places that we've been visiting, people that we've been meeting, food that we've been eating! and what not.
    The preparation that my husband and I've been doing for us to be with him in Saudi has been going well, Alhamdulillah. We are waiting for February 2009 to come as the process hope to be completed by then and we will be there at Saudi together as a family again. Excitement, overwhelm, joy, curious, afraid, happy, fear and all other mixed feelings are inside of me. Even though Haswadi has seldom inform me of his life at Saudi, the places he's been going, foods he's been eating and people he's been meeting yet I am not sure what really am I expecting myself. All I wish for is that ALLAH will show the strong side of of me to face the days to come.
    I also hope that in 2009 and the years to come will make me a better wife, a partner, a companion, best friend and another half to Haswadi. Being apart from him for some time now has really taught me to be more patient and cool. I hope these attitude would stay that way when we are together again. Being the 'unromantic couple' and it has been going for 8 years now, I don't find anything wrong with the relationship.
    The only thing that could effect the relationship is always about us being ourselves individually...selfishness, egoistic, self-worthy and other types of personality that will lead to dissatisfaction in the relationship. Even we did quarrel and met with few misunderstanding, Alhamdulillah there have been always resolutions to them. Either it was from me or from Haswadi...or from being silence and patience!

    As a mother to my children, I pray that ALLAH sends HIS fortune and make me a better ummi or even the best ummi to my children. As I am acting as a full time mother for now and for years coming, I will make sure that I do that 'job' really well. I used to be really good at my work previously...but as a homemaker now, I should be doing it even better! This is my life...being with my husband and children. I have no regret that I have to let go off my work, my position, my wonderful students...because I am pretty sure there must be 'hikmah' behind all these. And hopefully I could come back one day and serve for more!

    Fine, I can drag myself on and on about this, however, roughly these are what a 'blissful aspiration' that I have in 2009! I should have more than this...still composing some of it...too many may be a burden...too little may not be challenging...still have a few things more...