Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Petang Isnin kelmarin, menjenguk rumpunan serai di belakang rumah ni.  Sedang memikirkan apa nak buat dengan pokok serai tu. 

Nak tinggal begitu sahaja sayang pulak.  Belum tentu orang baru yang akan menyewa rumah ni nanti tahu nak guna serai tu...tu pun kalau ada orang nak sewa.  The house agent really need to persuade the landlord to get the sewage fixed!

Mungkin Norma akan transfer ke dalam pasu-pasu dan bawa ke rumah baru nanti...tapi terfikir pulak, kami nak tinggalkan Saudi untuk beberapa bulan...mati kejung lah pokok serai tu.  Jawabnya nak kena serah ke 'program anak angkat' nampaknya....hihihi.  Siapalah sahabat-sahabat di sini yang bertuah mendapat 'anak angkat' tu nanti??

Selepas abah balik kerja tadi, seperti biasa sejak dua menjak ni, bersiap-siap ke rumah baru, nak mengemas apa yang patut.

Sempat capai kamera nak snap gambar rumah yang bakal kami duduki nanti...tapi tunggang langgang lah lagi...belum berangkat habis pun barang-barang...maklumlah amatur nak pindah rumah...hihihi.
 Ruang tamu #1
 Ruang tamu #2
 Bilik #1
 Dapur...puas hati kali ini, luas..Alhamdulillah.
 Stor 1 (plan nak simpan segala macam di sini)
 Ruang ke tandas tetamu...
 Stor 2 (to be converted to an ironing room)

 Bilik #4
Bilik #2
ni tak ada kena mengena dengan rumah baru kami...hihihi.  Hasil kerja Luthfil dan adik-adiknya...

Monday, December 24, 2012


Elapsed time sampai hampir sebulan...sabar je la.  Again 'tag' line alasan purpleheart ni "akak sibuk apa ntah...tak tahule"..kikikikkkk

Okayla...nak dijadikan cerita, lebih kurang sebulan sahaja lagi kami sekeluarga akan berada di Saudi ini sebelum kami berangkat pulang ke Malaysia.

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah....hanya ALLAH sahaja yang tahu perasaan kami sekarang ini...setelah hampir beberapa bulan selepas kami berhasrat untuk pulang ke Malaysia terus, Haswadi dapat tawaran bekerja dengan syarikat lain pula di Jubail ini setelah memohon satu kekosongan di situ. Semuanya rezeki daripada ALLAH, kami hanya mampu merancang dan berdoa agar apa sahaja yang terbaik buat kami dan anak-anak, pastinya daripada ALLAH.  Alhamdulillah.

Cuma puan purpleheart ni je sikit bercelaru...hihihi.  Bukan apa, dah almost physically and mentally prepared to go back into 'action'...apparently it won't be happening.  Maybe during the coming few months of 'vacation'...I would do something to fulfill my longings for teaching, InsyaAllah.

Sekarang ni sibuk berpindah rumah. It has been a year since we've moved to this house we currently lived in.  And now, got to pack and move again...again!

The main reason for this moving out is due to the condition of the house, nothing got to do with Haswadi's new job or company and what not.  The sewage problem is getting worse and it is bad. We actually love this house so much.  We wished we could stay even after we came back here again next year.  The hassle was too much for us to handle, so we decided to move. 

After more than a month looking for a new house, we finally got one that suited our preferences.  The only frustration we got is that the house is on the first floor of a double-storey-town-house alike.  The best things are; it has 4-bedrooms, a spacious kitchen!, 2 store-rooms, and a roof top all our own!  Alhamdulillah. So the good factors already outweighed the only one problem with the house. The house is in Sudayer Sector and is so near to the Fanateer City Center...and just 15-minutes drive from the house we are living now at Ferdous Sector.

At the moment, we are like 50% along the way...since I am doing the sorting and packing all alone plus the daily mom routine with all the kids at home, it is school holiday by the way, and abah is still working for his last month at Saudi Kayan...hope that everything is smooth sailing.

Till then...

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Belum habis cerita perihal sekolah anak anak.  Selesai International Days...masuk minggu exam pulak.  They are going to be sitting for a two-week examination for this first term.
Busy lagi lah ummi dan abah...

                                                             Gambar ihsan google.com 
I don't know whether they'll end up doing like the above illustrated photo or not?? hikkksss