I will continue on writing about the preparation I myself been doing these couple of days... and today I guess is the most tiring day...
I went to the Institut Terjemahan Negara to pick up the translated certificates yang mahal tuh. Fine, then I headed on to Jalan Ampang...sesat? of course terlepas simpang dua kali jugak sebab the road was so busy with cars and motorcycles...motorsikal ni la yg buat I terlepas simpang ke Wisma Chinese Chambers tu..sibuk sungguh la Jalan Ampang ni..
So I arrived at the Wisma at 11.05 a.m. Went to the 4th floor and had to leave my IC and handphone before entering the counter. As usual must take the number and sat down before being called. When my number was called, I hurriedly walked to the counter and to my unexpectation, the lady at the counter told me that the certificates must be endorsed by Wisma Putra before the Saudi Embassy verify them. Oh my! I thought the errands can be completed by today but I guess it's not going to happen. It is almost 12 noon and I have to go to Putrajaya and get the task done...
What to do? I do not know where the Wisma Putra located at, I was a little bit afraid to drive alone to Putrajaya, what more to look for the Wisma Putra yang ntah kat mana letaknya. Putrajaya to me is a huge area and you can easily get lost if you really do not know the roads there. I've been there quite a number of times but never drove myself there.
So quickly had an idea, I'd better take a taxi because taxi drivers must really know how to get me there. I realize that the fare must be really expensive for a KL taxi to Putrajaya, but it didn't matter at all because I must reach the Wisma Putra by 2.00p.m., if not I'm afraid that I'd leave for Dungun without completing any...
Since I drove kak long's car to the embassy....now where to park the car if I was going to take the taxi?? So got another idea, drove to the nearby Carrefour...at Wangsa Maju...not so nearla but can do since jalan tak berapa sibuk menjelang jam 12 tu... Parked the car in the Carrefour parking area...konon-konon nak gi shopping le...but then I walked out from Carrefour and crossed the road to the nearest Maybank (just the opposite of Carrefour) and get the RM300 bank draft done (ni nak bayar kat Embassy...RM30 untuk sehelai dokumen yg nak disahkan x 10 helai = RM300)
So selesai kat Maybank nak cari taxi pulak. After a few minutes, came one taxi...the driver was a Chinese man. I asked "Putrajaya boleh tak?" to the taxi driver. He said "Tak pegi la...manyak jauh!", "Biasa berapa ambik pegi Putrajaya?" , "50 ringgit" he answered.. "Ok, I bayar awak RM100 pergi balik..." I negotiated. "Tak pegi la...tapi saya kasi tau awak..naik itu tlen (train) lagi senang" he exclaimed. "Oh ye ke?" I reassured him. "Mari mari masuk...saya kasi hantar lu pegi itu LRT station...lu pegi itu KL Sentral naik itu tlen pegi itu Putlajaya...lagi senang."...wah bagusla apek ni...baik hati sungguh dan jujur I thought... so without thinking further and I'm sure he really wants to help me...so I took his advice. His fare was RM3.20 (of course using the meter) to the nearest LRT at Alpha Angle Wangsa Maju... like 6 or 7 km from Carrefour. I thanked him for the advice and 'fled' to KL Sentral. Tambang Wangsa Maju ke KL Sentral is RM2.30
Sampai Kl Sentral...terpinga sekejap...what's next? Dengan menggunakan 'skill' keramahan dan keberanian, saya pun pergi ke kaunter pertanyaan dan tanya Tren nak ke Putrajaya. "Akak naik KLIA Transit kat depan sana tu" kata cik adik manis yang bertugas tadi. So saya pun ke kaunter tiket dan tanya lagi kat cik abang handsome kat situ, "Sampai kat stesen Putrajaya nanti, ada ke teksi tunggu penumpang?. "Teksi ada bas pun ada kak, akak nak pergi mana?" tanya budak handsome tu. "Saya nak ke Wisma Putra." "Oh 10 minit je dari stesen tu," kata budak handsome tu. "Naik teksi je cik, terus ke Wisma Putra, kalau bas leceh berhenti-henti!" jerit satu suara kat belakang saya...eh siapa pulak yang menyampuk ni? toleh ke belakang, ada seorang lelaki awal 40-an...ala ala muka macam Ali Mamak tersenyum kat saya..'oh okay, saya naik teksi je la...terima kasih ye!" So I paid RM9.90 for the train to Putrajaya.
The journey was calm and peaceful...tak ramai yang guna KLIA Transit ni berbanding ERL yang non-stop tu...sentiasa penuh.
Terlelap jugaklah sekali dua sebab letih setengah hari ke sana ke mari...
Sampai stesen, bayar kupon RM8 untuk teksi ke Wisma Putra...Bas memang ada...tapi malas nak tanya...
Sampai Wisma Putra tepat 2.05 minit...okay just nice kaunter petang baru buka. Masa kat pagar masuk, pengawal sibuk tanya nak buat apa kak? Nak cop wisma putra sijil surat beranak dan sijil nikah, saya jawab. Sapa punya? pengawal tu tanya. Saya dan anak-anak punya. Akak nak gi mana?.....ishhh tanya banyak la pulak pengawal loghat Kedah ni. Nak gi Arab Saudi, InsyaAllah. "Oh...mesti yang ramai-ramai baru ni datang dr Terengganu nak kerja kat Arab tu ke?" balas pengawal tu. Terkezzut sekejap bila pengawal tu cakap macam tu...macamana pulak la dia tahu yang saya ni dari Terengganu dan suami kerja Arab nih...kes serkap jarang je ni...tapi betul jugak... cuma Haswadi tak ada la pulak ke Wisma Putra mintak cop...agen yang buatkan....ehmmm apa-apa je la labu...dah malas nak layan, saya iyakan aje...
Naik ke kaunter...MasyaAllah orang dah ramai rupanya...kat luar punya lah aman damai suasana, tapi kat dalam agak hiruk pikuk dengan pelbagai warna manusia, putih, hitam, coklat, kuning, kelabu asap pun ada. Dapat nombor 1124...nombor terkini 1118...okay le tu...not long I supposed. True, I waited like 5 minutes, my number was called. Paid RM100 for 10 pieces of certificates and the lady told me to wait till they call the number again when it is done. Fine, so I waited.....to cut short, at 4.10p.m. only then my number was called....oh my! I waited for two hours to get it all done....so buat apa 2 jam tunggu lama tu?? Mengantuk Allah aje yang tahu...takkan nak tidur baring kat kerusi menunggu tu kan...so saya layan perasaan je sambil melihat gelagat orang ramai di situ....macam-macam ada!
Actually I am at the moment soooooooo mengantuk....cerita hari ni tak habis lagi....sebab the journey back to KL pun agak hap'pening' jugak... so how? I'll continue later ... I mean tomorrow okay.... manyak penat lo!...kaki manyak sakit!
Total up, my expenses for today for the errands is RM448.30...still not cheap....duit manyak habis lo! Wonder how much the agent will charge on that yeah??