This morning I had an appointment with my boss at the office. I called her assistant yesterday and set the appointment today at 9 a.m. So I had a discussion with her regarding my plan to continue with my leave....for long...a very long time....
The doctor gave me a 3-month leave (this is common for patient who have broken or fractured bone) especially at the ankle...the recovery takes a longer time than if you had other parts like your arm or your wrist. So I have to obey that you see... it is not that I like being injured and hurt like this, but like I've written before, I redha dengan 'rahmat' yang ALLAH swt beri ini.
After conveying my plan, hope and hasrat hati, alhamdulillah she agreed and granted me ALL that I wish for.
So the result is:
1. I will not turn up to work on 1st of November until end of January 2009!
2. I have tendered my position as the Program Coordinator of OM221 as of today! A formal letter will be sent in a few days because the one I had needs a few ammendment in the content.
3. I will continue for the Cuti Tanpa Gaji (CTG) starting the 1st of February 2009.
Cik Wan Dor...thank you for understanding my situation..."Tidak ku pinta jadi begini" it is all ALLAH's will. I just plan accordingly, that's all. InsyaAllah untuk permudahkan kerja orang lain..
Therefore, I won't be going back to work...not for quite some time...3 years! I really hope the recovery will take place very soon...I really want to get going back as normal...without the crutches... without the pain..the throbbing...the numbness and others...
InsyaAllah, if everything goes well as planned, my dearest husband will be at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia end of this November...to pursue his ambition that he has been longing for quite some time... Like I said, he is so determined of what he does...once he has decided to leave his current job...he'll do it. All I wish is all the best to him...
Semoga hijrah pertama beliau ini membawa keberkatan untuk kami sekeluarga. Penghijrahan amatlah baik kepada seseorang itu untuk menilai diri, mendapatkan sesuatu yang baru, membina keyakinan diri dan yang penting penghijrahan yang bakal mendatangkan kebaikan kami sekeluarga, tambahan pula penghijrahan ke sebuah negara yang akan memberi laluan 'percuma' kepada kami dekat dengan rumah ALLAH, tanah suci dan negara tanah tumpah Rasulullah saw. Alhamdulillah, kupanjatkan kesyukuran tak terhingga kepada ALLAH swt.
Keputusan beliau juga adalah keputusan kami berdua...dia sanggup meninggalkan kerjaya di PETRONAS, saya juga sanggup mengorbankan masa dan kerjaya di UiTM (untuk beberapa tahun...eh ye ke?Ke tak balik dah ke UiTM?....wallhuallam) yang pasti, kami tetap bersama walau di mana jua sekali pun atau dengan apa cara sekali pun...
The children are the most happiest people..why?? They already know that ummi will not be going to work anymore...ummi is at home..taking care of them 24-7! Dan jika ke Arab Saudi nanti pun, ummi will stay at home... no work! no task! no program! no activity! no meeting! no presentation! no boss! no kawan at the office! and other excuses that I've been telling them all this while...
Now it is all ummi and them only! Alhamdulillah, they love me their ummi, that is for sure...and dear children... ummi is always here...at home with you....because ummi loves you sooooooo much!
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