InsyaAllah today, Wednesday 28th of Jan, my dearie hubby will start his journey to perform his 'umrah' at Mekah. After almost 3 months at Jubail, Saudi Arabia, he managed to spend his weekend this time to visit Mekah. This is going to be his first visit at the age of 33 years old. I told him last week..."ingatnya dapat la ke Mekah tu bersama-sama...tapi dah rezeki abang dulu ke Mekah tu...sedih gak lar sikit...tapi bersyukur sebab abang dapat tunaikan dulu umrah & ziarah di rumah Allah tu." I did remind him to pray for us..the whole family...wish for all prosperity, health, barakah etc... especially wish for the kids ... of course he'll do that... So far our arrangement to Jubail been through a few processess already. And my passport and the kids are at the Firestar Agent already. Thank you Puan Kamariah (the agent) for her attention...she has been very helpful with information about the Visa preparation and now we are just waiting for the Yellow Slip from hubby. InsyaAllah by early February the document can be collected for Puan Kamariah to further our Visas at the final stage.
Tak pe lah hubby pergi dulu, nanti norma menyusul dgn anak2 lagi seronok ......cemburunya kak aida norma dapat peluang tinggal di negara tempat kelahiran Nabi Mohd s.a.w. Bila ada saja peluang, pergilah selalu ke Makkah, buat umrah berkali2, perbanyakkan tawaf sunat, minumlah air zam2 banyak2. All the very best toy you n family in Jubail. Will visit your blog as often as far yet so near with ICT eh
kak aida...
Alhamdulillah setakat ini, Haswadi dah selamat di sana, kami ni menghitung hari menunggu dia balik mengambil kami pula...
Memang peluang kerja dia kat sana seumpama 'bonus' yang tiada tolok bandingnya..
Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya..
InsyaAllah sebelum saya fly...saya akan jumpa kengkawan semua...
hubbie tewww gi mekah freee weiii.. maksud me, takyah tunggu duit simpanan pulo pulo hibu hinggit gittewww..
semua rezeki dari Allah...alhamdulillah.
Aikk...kata nak surrender blogging ni? Change your mind ye...
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