This entry is particularly to show some of the wild plants that I have around the house...even a wild rose tau...tapi yang tu my neighbour punya....
While snapping some photos of the children playing at the frontyard, I walked around the house and found a couple of wild trees like kemunting, 'bunga biru nasi kerabu' (sori tak ingat namanya), dan pink rose!
Since it is the raining season here at the East Coast (Terengganu), lots of wild plant and trees are enjoying their 'life', growing healthily and strong! Tuan rumah tak perlu siram pokok sepanjang 2-3 bulan ini...Alhamdulillah sihat belaka pokok2 ni.
Even I am not as 'strong' as before since the 'accident', my passion towards planting and gardening is still there... After almost 5 months since the 1st August incident that has partially 'interrupted' my physical ability, I have regain now... still limping yet better than before... Unfortunately, the raining season could only allow me to enjoy the plants growing and not planting for more... InsyaAllah by end of January 2009, the season will change to the summer-like weather (macam duduk US pulak...ber'season'). So, if sempat lagi bertanaman...I plan to plant a few more flower trees that are easy-maintenance!
Okay...enough of the plants story..
While snapping some photos of the children playing at the frontyard, I walked around the house and found a couple of wild trees like kemunting, 'bunga biru nasi kerabu' (sori tak ingat namanya), dan pink rose!
Since it is the raining season here at the East Coast (Terengganu), lots of wild plant and trees are enjoying their 'life', growing healthily and strong! Tuan rumah tak perlu siram pokok sepanjang 2-3 bulan ini...Alhamdulillah sihat belaka pokok2 ni.
Even I am not as 'strong' as before since the 'accident', my passion towards planting and gardening is still there... After almost 5 months since the 1st August incident that has partially 'interrupted' my physical ability, I have regain now... still limping yet better than before... Unfortunately, the raining season could only allow me to enjoy the plants growing and not planting for more... InsyaAllah by end of January 2009, the season will change to the summer-like weather (macam duduk US pulak...ber'season'). So, if sempat lagi bertanaman...I plan to plant a few more flower trees that are easy-maintenance!
Okay...enough of the plants story..
Bunga biru tu bukan nama dia bunga telang ke (clitoria ternatea) / blue pea?
Lawa bunga2 an mu itu yeh ...
Saya suka bunga.
peesha...ya kut...bunga telang...hang terer gak bungaan liar ni ye.
nak buat nasi kerabu tak? kasi free je ni.
haih .. setakat pengetahuan am cenggitu, haku memang terer ..
buat nasi kerabu? buat la awak bila free, pas tu kasi ke kitaorg bila free-free ... buleh?
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