Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today is the 42nd day Haswadi is away from us. This is the longest ever period we've been apart. "How do you feel?"someone asked, "biasa je..." I said. "Sure ke?" she continued, "so...what do you want me to say?"..."ohhhh I miss him so much!", "I could not live without him!"...kind of answers ke??
Naahhhh... Haswadi and myself never...I recall...never been the lovey dovey romantica d'amour kind of couple...even since we've started dating for real...we've dated plenty of times initially during the study years, but not for real...when we came back to Malaysia in 1998 only then we've got ourselves involved seriously...
Missing him is definitely what I feel now ... tak leh tipu larrr...8 years together maaa! But since both of us ni "couple rock" so tak de syahdu syahdan pun rindu rindu ni... Anak2 okay...because I make sure that I mention "abah's" name everytime during that they will not feel they've lost him or something ... InsyaAllah for the time being only! It is always abah says this and abah says that...abah does not like it that way...or abah surely will feel happy kind of remarks mentioned to the kids... hopefully abah tak 'tersedak' all the time ye...
Since almost a month in KL ni pun lagi la banyak gak aktiviti yg dilakukan that will divert a little bit of my mind from thinking about him... but of course...suami tercinta mesti number one in my heart! Tapi tak guna jugak nak syahdu syahdan when you know that you can't be with him till every process necessary been settled. So doa banyak dan tawakkal to ALLAH SWT so that I will be patient enough...strong enough, mentally and physically without him...
Tomorrrow I will be going to the Institut Terjemahan Negara at Seksyen 10, Wangsa Maju to get a few documents translated from Bahasa to English. The latest regulation by the Saudi Government requires that all translated documents then need to get the approval from the Royal Embassy in Kuala Lumpur...that is located at 258, Wisma Chinese Chamber, Jalan Ampang. InsyaAllah I will try to get those two errands done before going back to Dungun. This Thursday is a Public Holiday, Christmas! Pray hard so that it'll be settled.
Just got latest info from Haswadi that the Visa application can be done at Rayhar's Travel & Tours je.. no need to get the Firestar Agency to do it... One of his friends already with the family in Yanbu, KSA...the wife went to Rayhar's at Dungun aje...siap jugak and it is a little bit cheaper than Firestar. InsyaAllah I will do that too since tersangat lah senangnya boleh urus from Dungun itself..
I guess I need to get an early sleep tonight... till then!